Have you dated someone who was a STALKER? Who was obsessed with you? who was a Bug-a Boo? I mean what are these dudes thinking? I hope they don't think that its cute to chase a woman down to the point that she is scared for her life and wants to file a restraining order. I had a guy recently who I dated for such a small amount of time that I didn't even understand where all the EXTRA was coming from. The constant emails and calls begging to speak to you. I mean c'mon wtf is really good no wonder you're single. I had another dude I used to date that told me straight up that he would not stop calling me until I had changed my phone number. I mean what is that about? Is that supposed to make me answer your calls or respond to your many texts and emails? Are guys that pressed for a female that they go to extremes. A girlfriend of mine recently told me that a guy she dated was going through her trash and found out her work address after she broke it off with him. When is enough is enough? When is a woman saying to a man hey it's over and let's leave it at that just be THAT. Why should there be anymore especially if there's a breakup and maybe not a friendly one at that? What pushes a guy over the edge to the point that they start to harass a woman? Aren't we ALL adults? If I say please leave me alone shouldn't that be just that. Do I need to say it a different way or in a different language? Is there a different interpretation for leave me alone? I used to have this boyfriend who a bit crazy so I left him alone. Well it didn't stop there. It started with him popping up at places he knew I would be at to him calling my friends and family to find out where I was. Can we get your life together. What's really going on? When someone says its over its over. Granted there maybe a slight chance that if you have feelings for the person you may try to win them back but not to the point where they fear you. That's not even cool. So with all that said guys and girls too being a stalker is NOT cool. Its downright scary. Who wants to constantly watch their back just because you don't understand that we're broken up. It's bad enough we have other things to worry about while dating but stalkers too... wow what is this world coming to....lol
1 comment:
Well, I don't think this is cool...BUT...sometime's it's okay to call after the date fizzles out.
I call it "the autopsy". I find out where the attraction died and I fix it so I don't make the same mistake on the next date. "oh...you didn't think that Jet Li movie was romantic...okay, thanks for the feedback."
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