Sunday, November 1, 2009
Second Chance Dating

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Natural or Straight Single Girl

Sunday, October 4, 2009
Single Lonely Girl

Saturday, August 29, 2009
Why Do Men Lie???

Sunday, August 16, 2009
The Short of it All

Sunday, August 9, 2009
Single Girls Vacay

- Being single and ready to mingle. Basically everyone there knows you ladies are there solo and so every Tom, Dick, and Harry tries their hand. But since we're on vacay it's all in fun. So go for it and have fun. Meet all the guys you want and mingle with them because guess what you're there single so why not.
- Being able to do as you please. And come and go as you want. Of course you must be mindful of your companions and use some boundaries. But basically you are free to be YOU and have fun.
- All the HATE. Yes I said it. When you are single and having a good time on the girls trip other females (mainly those in couples) tend to hate. They stare you down, give you evil eyes, the whole nine. And GOD forbid you say hi to their MAN they are so close to falling out. And yes I said it's a benefit because guess what that means you must be on POINT.
- FUN. It's straight up fun and in a different way. It's not hanging out with your boo. It's hanging out with your girls. Daring each other to do things you normally wouldn't do at home. (hehe) Doing things and wearing things you normally wouldn't at home because you can. Partying and drinking all night and having to nurse each other in the morning and having a great time reminiscing.
- Friendship. You build a better bond and have a better understanding of someone when they are on vacay. You get to let loose and let your hair down and what not better way to do it than in the company of your friends.
So of course there are some drawbacks as well like if you shared a room and wanted to bring some random stranger in you really can't (lol). But other than that there is nothing more fun than hanging with your girls. Tanning, shopping, bar hopping, drinking, partying, mingling, and more. So if you haven't had an all girls trip I say for every girl not just single girls you must do it. Just remember this saying doesn't just go for Vegas-so what happens there, stays there.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Single Girl Dating the Unknown

Sunday, March 29, 2009
What's a SINGLE girl to do?
Monday, March 9, 2009
Single Girl Dating Policies

So I’ve come to the conclusion that all men know what to do on a date. Not all men know proper dating etiquette. Now that can be for several reasons: they have no manners, the female(s) before have never expected them to, or they just don’t care. Most recently on MTV’s from G’s to Gents the G’s had a lesson on etiquette. They then had to display what they learned while on a date with Esther Baxter. It was quite hilarious how so many of them were clueless. Now I’m not saying all men have to follow this because not all women are into chivalry. However, I can say that this young lady right here is. And I don’t mean do these things ONLY on the first date. This should be done all the time especially if you’re dealing with a LADY. So listen up.
- Please be sure to be well groomed. I mean I spent my 30 min in the shower and another 30 figuring out what to wear, another 30 doing my hair, and another 30 putting on makeup and other finishing touches. So if I took ALL of that time trying to make sure I look and smell good then the least you can do is the same. Hair should be combed, teeth and breath fresh, shoes shouldn’t be dirty or your clothes, jeans shouldn’t hang down to your kneecaps- we are adults dress like one, and most importantly your hands should be clean.
- Please open all doors (including my car-even if I’m the driver) and pull out chairs if we’re out dining somewhere. And when I say open the doors I don’t mean open the door and you walk through. I mean open and hold the door let me walk through first and then you do the same. And as far as the car you can miss this one sometimes, I’ll let you slide.
- Please if we’re going out to eat, I don’t care if it’s just IHOP- you should not be eating your food with your hands. That’s why we have eating utensils. It’s okay for certain foods but no for all. Basically if we’re out to eat, especially at a nice restaurant please turn your manners up a notch. That means no elbows on the table, no reaching across the table, no talking with your mouth full, no licking your fingers afterwards, no wearing your hat in the restaurant, put your napkin in your lap when the food first arrives, etc… If you need more dining manners Google it. I’m not saying you have to know which fork goes with what because even I don’t know all that but it may impress me if you do. Just know the basics. Lol.
- And while we’re on the subject of eating please, please, please do not get onions or at least try not to eat them. Well not if you’re planning on kissing me. I can’t stand onions and onion breath is not easy to tame. I can offer you a hundred and one mints and I will still smell it, which will then make me turn my nose up in disgust. But if you MUST have onions have some mouthwash, toothbrush, or something just as strong on hand because gum and mints don’t always do the trick.
- Please make sure that if we STOP at a gas station and you happen to be RIDING in my whip to get your a** out and pump the gas. I’m not saying you have to pay it (which would be nice since I am driving) but at least get out and pump. It’s the least you could do.
- Please don’t be all loud and ghetto and all on your cell phone. Don't be cursing and whatnot all loud in public when do you have to take a call. I mean its okay to take a call here and there-well not really. Lol. But if it’s a call you were expecting or an emergency. Other than that the phone should be on silence, vibrate, or better yet off-you’re with me. Focus!!!
- Eye contact is great. Don’t be looking at my booty or anywhere else for that matter. At least if we have good eye contact I know that you are focused on me and paying ME attention. That is always a plus!!!! (I could do better at this myself)
- Being on time is a MUST. How can I wait on you when I’m already 10-15 min late? Lol. I’m late because of all that prep time I took to get ready for YOU so please try to be on time. And if I am on time and you’re not oh we’re going to have some problems. Both of us can’t be late. Lol. But I’m not a total witch about being on time if you know how to pick up the phone and call and say,”hey sorry but I am running late because of x, y, z.” I shouldn’t have to call your phone like 15-20 min after meeting time like “hey where are you?” No. That’s not cool. So just try to be on time. Leave the being late up to me. : )
- Please don’t be super arrogant and so stuck on yourself that you talk a whole in MY head about YOU. It’s okay if I’m asking you questions about yourself but when you randomly start throwing out who you know, how much you make, and what you got then I’m already uninterested. Keep that to a minimum. And on the flip side don’t be a COMPLETE mute. I like to talk and I would appreciate someone to have a conversation with. Not just me yapping and you listening. It gets boring and old really fast. So if you think you won’t have much to say then maybe you should stay home.
- This is an ultimate no- DO NOT come to pick me up for a date and sit outside blowing the horn. Be a gentleman. Get your lazy tail out of your car and walk to my door and ring my bell. Now this usually does not apply to me since I usually meet guys out as I don’t like people at my house. But this should apply anyway for anybody else.
- And last but not least if you ask ME on a date I expect YOU to pay. Not for us to go dutch or for you to ask for help on the bill. You should be paying in full. I’m not saying we can’t ever go dutch or that I can’t sometimes pay for the date because I do but that needs to be discussed prior to so that I know what I’m getting myself into.
All in all dating should be about having fun. And we shouldn’t have rules but unfortunately we do. All I want is to be treated like a lady. I act like a lady so why not try treating me like one. It’s the least you can do and we’ll have a wonderful time. : )
And not ALL dudes totally disregard etiquette just some of the few I seem to pick up.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Dating in the New Year