So within the last two weeks I have posed a question to my friends. When you're dating someone when is the best time to have sex? I got a variety of answers from the first date to three months, even wait till marriage (I don't know about that-lol) or when the time is right. But how do you know when the time is right? Now I know that we are adults (at least we should be) but you still want to have some type of restraint. Don't you? I mean I would say do what you feel but at the same time I don't want the guy looking at me sideways plus been there done that. And I feel that as we mature things change. Sex isn't the same for me as it was a few years ago. I guess I'm just not into casual sex. It gets old and unforfilling. So then what do you do? Back to the same question because you can't bone EVERY guy you meet or date (at least I'd hope not-lol) but to each its own. So when is the best time? I read an article that says to wait at least a month and that sounds reasonable because by then you should have had a few dates and gotten to know the person a lil better. And the saying is true that sex is more emotional for women (at least some), I know it is for me. If I'm not really feeling the person on some type of level then its not happening and if it does happen by some chance then it won't be good. Honestly for me sex can make or break a date or sometimes even a relationship.
lol. I mean if its good (wish I'm praying it is) then
everything is good but if its not then damn
lol. It's
almost as if the attraction goes down hill but it also all depends on the timing. And that's why its so key to have it at the right time and not to rush. So the moral of the story is if you want something out of your dating friend then maybe its best not to rush and wait for the RIGHT time or you could just be a sex object.
If he has it in his mind that you will be/are a sex object...there is really no amount of time you can wait that can change that...unless you just don't do it all. There are things that can be done to see if he thinks of you the same you do of him, I just don't have the time to start listing them. Guys today are smarter and more keen to that "lets take it slow" routine and are prepared to stay on the field, despite how long it takes to score, expecially if the goal seems unattainable. Once he gets the sex, whether it's good, bad, or outright ugly, point will be, he got it, and his true identity, can be seen now. But what do I know, I'm a pessimist, and that's just my interpretation of the situation.
WAIT, WAIT,WAIT!!!! My Favorite saying is "nothing worth having comes easy". Waiting is never a bad thing if anything its going to make your relationship stronger. Sometimes men go after women just for sexual purposes but, you have to teach people how to treat you. If you show him your a women he needs to pay attention too. A man worth having will pay attention. He will love you and hold you to the highest regard, that's why I say wait as long as your relationship first, Try to be best friends before, fuck friends.......It will last longer-sassychassy
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